The Search

Posted by on April 10, 2014 in General |

What it still has of constructive and affective in the heart, it are of the impulsive sphere, is with strong trend, nowadays, to become plus an object. an object of pure use! True ‘ ‘ usura’ ‘ in the relationship between the people. This also must be reflected by us in this analysis. Search of the pleasure! Here it is the source so that many continue, and with certain reason, in the uncontrollable and cruel dispute for more personal satisfaction.

With certain reason because, let us be realistic, all we: aged children, young, adults or, we search something that motivates in them, that it makes in them to find the happiness even so (that nowadays, more serious still, many have incredulity how much to this aspect) and that also in it supplies joy to them completely. However, we live in a sphere of certain games of interests, even so that this is common and natural in our lives. The problem is when, in the search of the pleasure, we are dominated for the emotiva sphere and start to negotiate our feelings in an appearance environment and vanity. In fact, it is very convenient to reflect the fact of that we in them seem a machine whose manual of basic functioning suggests in them, of form inevitable, that let us have a fuel to live well, obeying interior unanimously that does not leave in them quiet and says of impious form: ‘ ‘ it searchs more pleasure! ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Ego’ unconditionally supplies the necessity of its; ‘ , ‘ ‘ either plus you and viva’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ shortness the life while pode’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ he is not careta.’ ‘ It seems that these thoughts make in them, to the times, imprisoned to our emotivos impulses making us also to be despaired when we do not satisfy these necessities and, why not, we are until dominated for them.


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