Think Twice Before Changing Jobs

Posted by on May 14, 2013 in General |

Do you have the desire to change jobs? This could be a good time to make the change. The Wall Street Journal just reported “job seekers rank and file workers to senior executives are preparing their resumes for what may be the strongest fall hiring season in years.” “Before going to a new job, make sure there is good reason to want to make a change,” says Ramon Greenwood, senior career counselor common. “You can believe that you can accelerate your career with a new job. You may be bored or escape personal problems.” First, ask yourself: “Is there anything I can do for my current situation more acceptable?” Do not be misled by the belief that the grass necessarily greener in another pasture. Or that a new grass will be much different from what is now pasture.

Except in the most extreme reasons, do not leave your current job until you have one hand firmly. If once was true that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush, when it comes to a job. Remember that it is always easier to get a job when you have it. What do you want? Take time to find out what you really want to do. What does it take to make you happier? Not enough to know what you want to move, you need to know what you want to change. Be specific in answering these questions. Do not be motivated by a feeling of vague discomfort to make a change for the sake of change.


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