Understanding International Organizations

Posted by on July 18, 2017 in General |

It is a document that can be compared: Methodologies and standards that enable standardized balanced and objective way the performance of a company. It is a permanent communication tool: This type of reporting has evinciado be a highly effective way to build links with stakeholders in the form continuous and effective. How to know if you are prepared to develop and maintain a sustainability report? To determine whether the time is right for a sustainability report, the company needs to answer the following questions: * Does the company intends to establish direct communication with its stakeholders (stakeholders)? * Are environmental and social development strategies beyond the norm? * Is the company prepared for discussion on sustainability issues with stakeholders? * Does the company continuous improvement processes to enable it to show the positive development of the indicators over time? * Do you have the financial, human and technological resources to create, document, store and analyze the sustainability report information within the parameters of quality required? If the answer to all questions exception is YES, then the company can proceed to select the methodology best suited to their needs. What is the best methodology most appropriate to create a report is sustainability? The organization sustainability identified key questions that a company needs to be done to choose the most appropriate standard according to their needs. The purpose of this article is to analyze the questions, but for more information, see the link What are the major existing international standards of sustainability? Government-type organizations, nongovernmental and corporate regulations have developed tools to help companies communicate their overall economic performance and social ambient through sustainability reporting.

Below are the most recognized standards: * Sustainability scorecard: It is a methodology developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton, which incorporates social and environmental dimensions of a company. * Environmental Accounting Guide: Developed by the Ministry of Environment of Japan established accounting procedures allow a company to determine the cost of preserving the environment during the execution of their activities and profits. () * Global Compact United Nations: This consists of 10 principals corporate citizenship, based on international conventions and treaties on human rights, labor relations, environmental protection and fight against corruption * AA 1000 (AccountAbility 1000): Based on dialogues with stakeholders * SA 8000 (Social Accountability 8000): Developed by the International Organization for Standards, ISO standard is a voluntary verification monitored and to set working conditions in global manufacturing operations. The requirements of this standard are applicable to any industry, regardless of their geographic location, sector or size (). * Millennium Development Goals United Nations: Millennium Development Goals are a blueprint agreed to in 2000 by all the nations of the world and all major development institutions at ma global. It comprises eight Millennium Development Goals. They range from halving extreme poverty to halting the HIV / AIDS and achieving universal primary education by 2015 * Sustainability Reporting (GRI) Guidelines for project delivery an U and reasonable vision and framework reference which facilitates the comparison between these reports and other reports of sustainability, are key aspects that enable a company to make sound decisions regarding their environmental performance, economic and social development. These methods are just the beginning, there is still unify the academic effort that still require these new communication initiatives you high enough. However, already has the minimum knowledge to get started. For evidence of our environmental performance, economic and social beyond the norm, is a major step towards a sustainable humanity.


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