And then they leave, silently slamming the door for a newcomer, you will get the their pictures, open the pages of magazines, neatly behind a pile so that no bookmark is not flown, and become lumped smile finally determined with furniture and curtains. In short, begin to decorate. By the way, if you feel the ability (or have long ago discovered) come up with design of flats, the Know that this exclusive is valued not less than the prestige of the service's most expensive company. A strange, plaited material, resembling a thin straw, decorated with bright red beads and colored threads produce lampshades a real sensation. And this art gizmos like a pot for his beloved palm trees, you will not find in any store. We are no longer talking about curtains for the kitchen, which you have chosen in the log cutting and sewing. Keep track of ideas, look for them in books, boards, convert their own way and do not be lazy to translate! Start, as they say – is already half the battle.
By the way, in any case not throw during the repair of the things that can alter or seemingly not at all necessary. Remains of color yarn, old jeans, leather, interesting scraps of fabric, solid box – all the materials for creativity. But before you plunge into the world of interior fantasies, take note of one important but often overlooked tip. Many so addicted to the creation of interesting items for interior decoration that is often overlooked as a start to do things that are not suited to any style room, nor to its constituents, so be careful and follow the unity of style, time and place. Just like to write a dramatic play by the canons of classicism.
By the way, between the creation of the interior and the writer was an explicit parallel. To do something worthwhile and worthy of attention, you need a special taste, a particular perception of the world, eye for interesting details, the continuous search for something new, even in a small (at first) and, of course, the honing of style and skill. So, in this material you can not find detailed instructions how to lay linoleum, famously diluted glue for wallpaper and a couple more tips on how to make the solution to wash this glue from linoleum. About this you've read in another article, but so far inspire, and as a consequence, begin to invent, create, implement bold ideas, drawing in his imagination the interior of the soul and, of course, can do.