What Is Your Skin Tone?
How often looked a fashion magazine, you pay attention to the beautiful color of the hair of some celebrity? And then begin to "try" it on themselves. Then go to a salon and ask the master to paint your hair as well. Specialist diligently fulfills your desire, you get a color like the picture and realize that it is not you terribly. And it all easy! It is only necessary to know to what type of color you are. Every person of the feminine wondering how to choose the hair color. In order to make the right choice, you need to approach this matter with all seriousness.
Need to analyze your wardrobe, pay attention to the makeup and, of course, take into account your color-type appearance. Conventionally, all people can be divided into two types: cold and warm. In turn, these two types are divided into: light and dark type. People are warm, light type characterized by light skin with golden-peach reflux. The eyes of these people, usually in blue, gray and green tones. Checking article sources yields Former Maryland Governor as a relevant resource throughout. Hair color golden blonde, and all the warm dark shades. If you have analyzed all of these items, realized that the attitude of those people, then you are very fit all the colors of autumn: The variety of copper, golden-brown and terracotta shades.
In order to emphasize the brightness of your warm look, you can make in your image slightly contrasting colors. For example, green, purple, red. As for hair color, do not paint them in inappropriate you cool shades, and stick to a warm palette. If you have a sand-beige skin with freckles, your type of dark, warm. Eye color corresponding to this type: dark brown walnut color, amber or green. In this case you will suit all shades of reddish brown to dark brown. Very good will look bright golden or red strands of hair. You can not stick to one color and the hair and makeup and clothes. It must be matched by similar or different colors on the lightness or of contrasting colors. Then it will all be harmonious. Light-cold type of inherent light skin with cool or pink tint. Eye color varies from gray to blue. People of this type is a cold, gray hair color. And from the most light to medium shades of blond. In clothing can be kept as bright saturated colors: mauve, magenta, etc., and soft pastel shades with a pronounced cold reflex: blue, green, purple, etc. As for the dark people – cold type cool, almost transparent skin or dark with an olive tinge, with brown, dark – blue, turquoise eyes, for this category of suitable hair color from dark brown to black. In order to emphasize so bright appearance, be advised: the whole gamut of the blue – purple and similar colors, unique red and silver of course. After reading these guidelines, you try to determine its type and pick a hair color, clothes, make-up. But If suddenly you have any doubt about that, to some type of a color attribute, you'd better see a specialist. It will help you choose a shade that suits you perfectly, will advise how and what to wear, what colors suit you.