Francisco Hita

Posted by on December 7, 2014 in General |

The indigent is of German nationality. The attackers sprayed it with painting, which the victim took a breath and swallowed. The authorities split the facts to the 15-M. The police have arrested Wednesday two minors of 16 and 17 years as alleged perpetrators of the assault in the early hours of Tuesday a destitute of 41 years in the plaza Spain Palma, who was admitted to the hospital in very serious condition after swallowing and breathing paint thrown by their aggressors. At author you will find additional information. As reported by police sources, the arrest of juveniles occurred Tuesday.

You are accused of having insulted, have been mocked, spat and thrown three cans of paint on top of the indigent, of German nationality, which swallowed and breathed this liquid and gravity was seriously injured by these facts, according to the story that witnesses made to the national police. The alleged perpetrators of the aggression are two guys who will be placed at the disposal of the juvenile judge. Dismissed from the 15-M police split them with the 15-M movement, whose members are camped in the aforementioned plaza palmesana. Electric has much experience in this field. In fact, apart from these two arrests Tuesday arrested others three people (adults in this case), one of them belonging to the movement of the outraged and that has already been released. This detainee is Francisco Hita, who explained to journalists after their release at the gates of the senior police Chief who arrested him once a witness confused him with a man who saw the assault and not provided aid to the indigent. He has argued that at the time of the attack he was sleeping in his tent, something that several witnesses have corroborated. Horrific and brutal Hita, who has spent the night in the dungeons of the police after being arrested on Tuesday afternoon, said that from the first moment he has collaborated with agents to clarify what happened in the plaza of Spain, an act which has been described as horrific and brutal. It has indicated that the 15-M is totally against what happened to the indigent, since the movement advocated non-violence, while has explained that meet alleged perpetrators of aggression because they are smaller they have approached the movement of the campers, but that they don’t have to see them.

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