Callana Sapa

Posted by on December 31, 2014 in General |

And in their bodies the Barbones runes, wore a few very heavy metals which gave laughter seeing them walk. If that was very funny, as if they were bad his testicles and his rear; as well as the buses when they are not well cared for by his mother. Filed under: Michael Chabon. This them commented to his sinchis and they laughed to hinged jaw, mocking of those barbarians. Therefore advised him not to fear them, for they were some very wild runes, who had no manners or even knew the things of good food and good nutrition, because I saw them very bad health. That is why the beautiful Qikyusisa didn’t want to go the Caxamarca Marka and preferred to stay in la Encanada and stayed with the Pallas so they talk of their nation and of the communities where it came from. But the cunning Yanacoya if I enroll for travel with the sapa Inka and enroll with their best dresses, especially to impress the Inka and the curiosity of knowing the bearded wild, since that came in a mounted beast had impressed him greatly.

He had his dress color of orchids that are grown in the nation of the Chachapoyas where one of the daughters of the Sinchi of that nation was her friend and talked of the curiosities of their peoples. It dawned the new day that the Sapa Inca would enter the Marka. All were prepared and had already taken their papakashqui with its nunas toast in Callana. The Akllas remained at the Coya to accompany the Sapa Inka, the same as the representative of Villac Humu was going. All Nations with their Sinchis and heads of fittings that accompanied these, all were ready and without weapons. Same as the retinue of security of the sapa Inca. All are they put on training to wait for that rises to the palanquin all main characters together with Sapa Inka and move forward on the road.

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