Coca Cola

Posted by on March 25, 2015 in General |

How many times we have heard that they have denounced songs with subliminal messages that are Satanic and so much more, up to stigmatize the singers, when many times, who sings don’t even have idea what sings, some just sing but still put them on a stage. Anyway my point here, is that music with subliminal messages, can alter our actions without realizing, since the message comes direct to the subconscious, where this same takes it as true, and we neither realized that esuchamos that message. In a study conducted in the USA confirmed the power of these subliminal messages in advertising, so well-known soft drinks Coca Cola company, he released just before a commercial film which at that time were by pass, and in the interim, sales from that soft drink went up by 60%, but given that consumers don’t realize it has further given that this is manipulation, because they are not allowed such messages. See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael Chabon offers on the topic.. Now well imagine that that power will be used in our favor. As it can be?

Maybe you wonder, because it is simple; before going to sleep we colocaramos music with subliminal messages to eliminate a bad habit, for example the cigarette; a very bad habit, since it affects not only our health but that of others. Easily with an audio with a subliminal message placed on his track, and listen to it while costumiers, this bad habit it would reduce even said delete Vice, and not only vice of cigar, also is can lose weight, increase self-esteem, thinking like entrepreneurs, thinking more wide, achieve acertividad, in short, so many things can be made if that power the ohm for our good. For this reason, and so that you know a little more about the power of the mind, I would recommend that you enter a free website so you get audio and writings that can change your life in your hands.

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