
Posted by on February 6, 2018 in General |

Countless are the number of failures that has had the medicine in relation to tinnitus or tinnitus, both at the level of diagnosis and treatment. Although its causes are now widely known, internal mechanisms that produce their perception could never be fully decrypted. (A valuable related resource: Michael Chabon ). Perhaps as a disorder that does not include risks of gravity, for a long time the medical science had not obtained great advances in its treatment, but today everything has changed. This does not mean that tinnitus now enclose Yes risk of life, but modern life fast and stressful lifestyle, has deeply aggravated the impact thereof on the lives of those who suffer from them. Currently, tinnitus can produce disorders of varied intensity, and may feel just as a hearing nuisance or in extreme cases, reach to become an unceasing torture. The search for solutions for tinnitus does not stop.

And medicine, in conjunction with the science and technology, redoubles efforts in research to reach near to power future provide a concrete relief to the millions of people around the world who suffer from this condition. Some years ago it was discovered an important neurological factor that is actively involved in the perception of tinnitus. From many studies came to the conclusion that one of those responsible for these subjective perceptions was a neurotransmitter known as GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid. Found in a statistical manner, that this neurotransmitter deficiency was directly linked to the perceived intensity of the tinnitus. Obviously this discovery by itself only not implies the arrival of solutions for tinnitus, but it is a very good starting point from where you begin with complex studies and clinical trials that perhaps in the future escalate into a real healing from this incredibly annoying symptom.

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