The Bottom

Posted by on April 17, 2018 in General |

The school – the necessary functions of great importance in preparing for school should be given to the development of school-required functions – speech, motor skills (development of the hand and fingers for writing.) Children who lag in development of these features require special studies. Bernie Sanders gathered all the information. Particular attention you should pay for training at the hands of a child writing to the school. How often have many tragedies associated with the fact that the child sits and writes long lines, hooks. Sloppy scrawl saddened to tears baby, brought a lot of unhappy parents and minutes: why other children write smoothly and beautifully, and we …? Some children not well-formed habit to hold a pencil, a pen. To read more click here: Martin O’Malley. Some hold pen or pencil in his fist, the other – too far away or close to the bottom tip, and others – have the wrong fingers, etc. Think about what it may be associated with your child? Sometimes it comes from the fact that he can not work at the table, does not know how to properly hold a pen or pencil. In these cases, try to explain more and show it. True, this requires time and strict control of an adult.

But more often the child has difficulty own hands, especially fingers, as he had not developed "manual skillfulness". Typically, these children are not only difficult to write and draw, and sculpt, design. They have long buttoning and uncomfortable lace shoes, often drop a dish, uncovered at the table, etc. basically it is unbalanced, excitable, active children. Very prevents them from excessive impulsiveness, non-plastics movements. Due to the nature of the state of their nervous system They worked out harder and longer and fixed motor skills, especially the subtle movements. However, there are cases when parents simply do not create conditions conducive to the most comprehensive and timely development movements, that is, lets it slide.

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