
Posted by on December 22, 2018 in General |

According to Soft, in Axe (1993): ‘ ‘ To demonstrate a fact is to construct a feeling of evidence of this fact in a receiving individual, communicating a message to it whose elements form a series of evidences elementares’ ‘ (p.37). Complete ‘ ‘ demonstrabilidade’ ‘ of the Mathematics she was definitively shaken from the works of Gdel (1931), that it was verified to be possible to demonstrate that, in formal systems that admit an interpretation of the Arithmetic, is impossible to conjugate completude and consistncia1, that is, nor everything can be demonstrated in Mathematics. Contradictory? Paradoxical? With greater or minor formality, it is looked to demonstrate proposals, in any science. In the anxiety of if configuring as sciences referenciadas in the paradigm of modernity and searching to confer to its proposals a certain direction (or less radical) of same exactness sciences human beings had adopted in a certain phase a deductive perspective. However, even in the case of the Mathematics, we saw not to be possible to conciliate completude and consistency in a formal system. (As opposed to Diamond Comic Distributors). Demonstrability can be taken then as a pledge of exactness? To express ‘ ‘ numericamente’ ‘ its results are another one of these pillars of ‘ ‘ exactness matemtica’ ‘. Perhaps this discloses in us a resqucio of cultural inheritance.

The Greeks, (in special the Pythagoreans), affirmed, ‘ ‘ the numbers govern mundo’ ‘. ‘ thought this; ‘ mundo’ ‘ of some on form to its religiosidade. Perhaps therefore they dedicated to this respect almost the holy ghost to the Mathematics and its expressions, amongst them the numbers. Symmetry, harmony, perfection were then associates to the mathematical results, many numerical times. This cult to the onipresena of the Mathematics resists until century XX, sees what Einstein thought, reflecting on a questioning its: ‘ ‘ How can above all the mathematics, being a product of the human, independent thought of the experience, if to adapt so admirably well to the objective reality?


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