Benjamin Franklin
I can feel God in the Wind, the perfume of the flower, the flight of the butterfly, an outburst of laughter, singing of the birds I have true admiration for its Workmanship. now, while I make this confession, a soft breeze enters softly for the window, blowing me, as to endorse my words and to confirm Its presence. Some physicists contest this Existence and defend the theory of a Cosmic explosion for the creation of the Universe. How explosion is this that destined so peculiar flavor the folloied watermelon of its nutricional value! How explosion is this that perfumed the flowers! How it presenteou the birds with dom to fly! How explosion is this that generates a perfect and harmonic synchronism in all the creation! The theory of the explosion, remembers to me to a phrase of Benjamin Franklin ' ' To find that the world does not have a creator is the same that to affirm that a dictionary is the result of an explosion in one tipografia' ' Suddenly me a thought occurs. He can have been a cosmic explosion yes, but It was who ' ' detonou' '. The affirmations, pleas and questionings are gifts in almost all the civilizations. For Freud, ' ' the necessity that civilizations possess in controlling the instincts and impulses of its individuals establishing a moral order, were used to spread out the religions, therefore pparently the divine laws were and continue being much more solid and powerful of what the laws human beings. In this way, divina.' is transferred to obey the rules of the society due the fear to it of the punishment for the order; ' With all respect to the father of the Psychoanalysis and other theoreticians who of certain form try to cientificar the Faith or the Divine existence, I believe yes a Superior and universal energy that surpasses the knowledge of the humanity, exceeding the curiosity and scientific great power.
I believe in something with wisdom and power enough to move tides and tsunamis, to heat the seio of the Land culminating with the eruption of a volcano or sacudiz it per some seconds without leaving rock on rock. In one to be that gift in the subtle flight of the butterfly becomes, in the fragility of the kiss-flower, the beautiful rainbow that the sky decorates after a summer rain. The God is this who is part of mine day-by-day. He is not limited to Churches and religions. It simply Is. Many, believes, passes for It and they do not perceive It However, I defend the tolerance and absolute respect to all the beliefs and religions, to the right of the scientific community to contest Its existence. But it is inadmissible that this wants ' ' vender' ' to the humanity, an absolute truth only e. For defending the freedom to think and to express, and exerting this right; when they ask to me: ' ' You believe God which its religion? ' ' I feel the will to answer, that my God is so incommensurable and tremendous who does not fit in dogmas and rituals. She is a fenomenal, magnanimous Artist and extraordinary, who beyond sculpturing the most beautiful of all works of art, still it presenteou with the Life and its mysteries! The God is this who I know!