Conjunctural History

Posted by on July 15, 2012 in General |

Andrea Giardina, in its eversiva Carit article: Le donaziou There of Melania Giovane and gli equilibri della societ tardoromana, comments that any definition, in if treating to the time of the romanotardio Empire, is necessary to be added of ' ' certain cautela' ' (GIARDINA, 1998, p.127). Using as documentation the biography of Saint Melnia, Giardina, looked for to analyze the interactions between certain type of aristocratic Christian donation and the balance of the delay-old society. To be liberated of corporeal properties, some acted in distinguished way, what Giardina characterizes as a phenomenon ' ' subversivo' '. An interesting event is cited by Giardina, related to the pertaining slaves to the Melnia and its husband. Libertos, such slaves had preferred to remain in the interior of the oikos where they were consolidated, thus refusing the freedom. Certainly, such slaves, had made thus it for finding themselves displayed less risks humanitarian and economic, as there enslaved.

In the delayed antiquity, the slavery, in places and specific circumstances, could become a privileged condition in comparison with the freedom, for unproctected individuals, to who could lack to the powerful protection of one patronus (GIARDINA, 1988, P.142). The poor persons had an alimentary regimen that she was at the same time insufficient and unbalanced. Its housings were precarious; many leasehold times, collective the uncertain sepulture or then. They did not have a work I continue and many times were disqualified. Its work was to the times in the wicker production, other times of guard service; in the field they gave manual service or they worked temporarily in the municipal workmanships. The payment was done sporadical in divisional gold or bronze currency, more constant, that was of small commercial value. Conjunctural History sees, in this period, the poor persons penetrating in the delay-old Christian society, with a estilhaador effect of the projects traditional, and in the end, the structure Roman if modified because of these.


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