Diana Uribe

Posted by on July 5, 2015 in General |

Do you remember? Bartleby answered prefer not to. Herman Melville said, and prefer not to remember, or talk. announces you my thoughts. I have sometimes thought that many who today think big and have occupied a place in history that leads to a kind of fame or acclaim. They were less famous than the men if they really were. But that the power of the kingdoms and empires did not suit them to pass into history.

Example: In Colombia there is a famous historian, which is called "Diana Uribe" this woman has worked in stations and a number of projects that have given some recognition that country. When in the future to speak of the best historians of South America, his name mentioned. But let me tell you, is a graduate of a bourgeois university, which has the connections to gain either by exercising a liberal art. And that money can do whatever the merit and talent is often not achieved. Bartleby again I ask you now what can you say to that? Bartleby looking at his companion answered with a serenity and peace of mind amazing, with that classic phrase. Herman Melville hacerlo.a Prefer not take the floor again and said I can tell you that in Colombia there are real historians, thinkers, philosophers, mathematicians, physicists, poets, writers, sociologists, theologians, painters etc. They have something in common "Anonymity" a Why? a Because money buys what the merit and talent can not buy. a It is necessary to rely on history to understand things as you say, but we should also investigate what kind of history we are vendiendoa a FINA a Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo the Philosopher Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo is one of the youngest scientific philosophers who owns the country.

has a large number of published works. in his last statement says that the country advances little by little investment in education since the largest investment in Colombia is offering to war, why the brains of Colombia escape, otherwise they would live almost in poverty, as happens with the Colombian teachers. as the state looks at them as tools and a lower number of workers. is rather contradictory that the state talking about education, because the Lycian left for the poor, but powerful for the rich. it is better a high number of workers and a select number of bourgeois power. if false common and observe the teacher will see the economic condition in the common a teacher who lives in Colombia. "A miserable lacking cents to continue studying and to support his family with dignity," the state prefer the automatic promotion of students in other grades. whether the workers will be more unconscious. I am not revolutionary, because they bring weapons slavery and misery. force will never prevail over reason.


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