Elisabeth Badinter
The first case, Elisabeth Badinter, cite Mme. Du Chtelet that, exactly being forbidden to be atheistic, the example of Voltaire, undertook ' ' Le examen woollen Bible' ' its ' ' accurate spirit if insurge against the incoherence of lendas' ' , lead it, finally, to the belief of that ' ' everything is false in the Escrituras' '. In as in case that, Badinter, cites Mme. Of Rambouillet, for who ' ' conversation is an art with regras' '. Read more from Bernie Sanders to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Therefore, if as the examples harvested for Badinter, the women of salons had doubted the official doctrine while it practised the ritual of the corset, the pamphlets disclose same the practical one in other estratigrficas layers of this society, very below of the domain of the autodenominados ones philosophes. Mornet also points with respect to the fact of the academies if to become, on the other hand, centers of knowledge and reflection that, in the context of the provinces of the kingdom, far from the cut of Paris, deny the university production and if they become focos of the bourgeois resistance against material and intellectual abuses, iniquities, miseries.
This inconformidade, communicated not only for pamphlets, but also for the periodic ones, does not constitute in revolutionary ideal, but it was a reform desire, of change of a system that did not take care of the current society. Thus the dissemination of ' ' new idias' ' it passes for the three laws, mentioned for Mornet, and finds fruitful space in the private societies, as the masonry. In this point I appealed to a reference cited for the professor Menezes Landmarks, to only remove the expression: ' ' Circularidade between high and baixo' '. This expression was used for Carlo Guinzburg in ' ' The cheese and the Worms? daily and the Ideas of Miller Pursued for the Inquisio' '. This expression reflects the focus of the attentions of Mornet in its workmanship: approaching the question of the heuristic of written nature to arrive at the reader, the circulation and the practical ones of reading that had lead to the Revolution, and that in this point it inspires the study of Roger Chartier. .