Hessian State Constitution

Posted by on May 25, 2018 in General |

DBB Hesse warns of announced job cuts in the General land management +++ the employees of the public service may not bill for financial and economic crisis. Land Chairman of the dbb Hesse, Walter Spiess, has warned the new Government strongly, to compensate for the additional settings in teachers and police through job cuts in other country services planned in the beginning legislature. Although more personnel in the field of education and of internal security in Hesse is essential”to spit in Frankfurt, but this must not go to the detriment of employees of other public services in Hesse.” “The dbb Hesse a red-pencil policy holds as spit stressed,” for the purpose of cross-financing “the additional settings required of teachers and police officers for cannot be held responsible. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Author and gain more knowledge.. The work summarization and the burden of employees in the public service of Hesse had not least through massive job cuts in the frame Operation secure future”adopted a barely tolerable level. It is unacceptable,”so the country Chairman of the dbb Hesse, that the employees of the State of Hesse to eat the soup, the irresponsible financial jugglers in the domestic and have done. To hook up reserves for the cause of the disaster with little calculable risks for the State budget, to make costly investments in attack, and to include a ban on the debt, at the same time in the Hessian State Constitution but nothing else, means that substantial parts of the Bill should be paid through reduction of personnel expenses of the employees of the public service.”but who saves the public service break”that is only deeper slide in the crisis”, as Walter Spiess..

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