Math Lessons

Posted by on December 2, 2018 in General |

The central objective is the challenge that the pupil has in assimilating the content given in classroom through practical models (games, material concrete and experience of the daily one), of where the mathematics professor can show to its pupils the pleasure of if learning form mathematics more ‘ ‘ prazerosa’ ‘. This is one of our great challenges and intends through the application of situations game-challenges to facilitate the significant learning of these students. Word-key: Education of Geometry. Didactic materials. Game-challenges. INTRODUCTION the present project is intentional of disciplines Laboratory of Education of the Mathematics, one disciplines of the curricular base of the course of Licenciatura in Mathematics of the Center of Formation of Professors of the Federal University of the Recncavo of the Bahia, and is of obligator character for evaluation of disciplines. The project destines it the work with pupils who had presented difficulties in the first semester, in the respective groups 6 B and 6 C, of the State School Congregated I castrate Alves, in disciplines of mathematics (geometry), aiming at to promote the improvement of the quality of education and the learning, therefore the frustration in disciplines mathematics many times happens because the pupils do not obtain or they are not felt capable to associate the mathematics worked in the school with the mathematics that they are accustomed in dealing in the day the day, in this direction some pupils are not motivated making it difficult its learning. As George Polya says (1944, p.5): A student whose course includes Mathematics has, also, an only chance, that will be evident lost if it to consider this substance as one disciplines with that it needs to get as many credits and which will have to forget, more possible fast, as soon as to pass for the final tests..


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