Military Policies
Types as these envergonham all those that do not agree to such practical. She is, therefore, necessary that this type of policeman is, by means of one due process of law, excluded however, each in case that it is a case and, must be analyzed with care, imparcialidade and responsibility in order not that not if comet plus an injustice. But, she is necessary also that the honest military policemen and that love its profession more are valued and more recognized, what in turn, implies in condizentes wages the approval and application of the Project of Emendation Constitucional/PEC 300 would make possible this, courses of constant specialization and perfectioning beyond effective incentive to the graduation, after e, etc, and, moreover, disponibilizao of adequate and standardized fardamento until why, the state military man represents the state, better conditions of work and, etc. I want to stand out, that the approval and application of PEC 300 would make possible the state military of all Country, conditions to have worthier housing and in places more adjusted therefore, it is inadmissible that a military policeman goes streets to defend the society to them, risking its proper life in the daily confrontation with the marginality, knowing that its family is not in security. Click John Mclaughlin to learn more. , Either perhaps necessary to clarify that PEC 300 all aims at the wage equalization between the Firemen and Military Policies of Brazil, with the Military Policy of the Federal District. What, without a doubt, it is a justice question, taking itself in consideration the type of exerted activity. The fact is that the constant perfectioning requires mounts of money, logistic materials that it duly warned has budgetary annual forecast that make possible better resources and the maintenance of these, responsibility e, availability of the policeman. But, the policeman ' ' convencional' ' he is very busy offering a palliative one to the society; palliative this, that more early or later, finishes if disclosing unsatisfactory, why it does not decide the problem of crime.