Ramon Gallegos Nava

Posted by on June 14, 2013 in General |

As we have been mentioning it in the writing of this essay of the twelve works of Ramon Gallegos Nava, the heart of education for the 21st century is spirituality, spirituality and education are the backs and bases in the holistic education for real learning, genuine learning, by medio of the development of the consciousness that is one of the objectives of spirituality. Spirituality is a necessary Guide to humanity, not only the interest of our society, region or country, is already a global interest, a well-being of all mankind, and living beings on the planet, and begins with each person. Spirituality makes that all parties are integrated, is born the interest of conditions of all members and It unites them in a same frequency in the same family. Spirituality as the heart of the holistic education, is essential for the development of education in the new century (transmodern). We forgot the spirituality or we no longer include it, education had in general us edging thinking to talk about spirituality, was talk of religion and religion was apologize or ask for all kinds of miracles, we aren’t devotees are religious with some interest with convenience, but that’ll it more front, differentiate between spirituality and religion. We don’t really know our spirituality, or put another way not we have recognized our own spirituality, we still have attachments, we do not transcend, it is one of the three inescapable problems which marks Huston Smith. In the book that mentions Ramon Gallegos in education practice spiritual (education and spirituality), while that other problems (material and social), if they were recognized and tarnished the spiritual problem along the educational history. In spiritual intelligence have place other intelligences, such as intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence, but unlike these spiritual intelligence is exclusively human, spiritual intelligence, it is not a reaction of our senses, of our hormones, physical changes, when we speak of an intelligence with these characteristics are talking about emotional intelligence, but when intelligence is only reasonmemory and logical processes are talking about intellectual intelligence.

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