Photo Portrait
Prices for portrait oil paintings from in February Munich, 11.02.2010. Vouchers for hand-painted oil painting in Museum quality of China painters are the ideal gift for a special occasion. Because every year, many people have the problem to make a very special gift to his beloved partner. But the longer a relationship exists, it […]
Relationships in Art
Old age clearly shows the traces of time on your body: the skeleton is marked under the skin, hands emerge symptoms of rheumatism, sunken eyes and a penetrating gaze. Youth is the counterpoint of the two previous figures. The artist's efforts were focused on her face. How to open the eyes, the concentration of women […]
But other well-known researchers of the time made certain statements on this subject. To each of the chapters that will surely follow, I put forward therefore a corresponding quotation of a great scientist. Because we can trust even everyday life – so you can listen to even it. Anyway: the fundamental questions of life can […]
Reinhart Kevin
It used the vine service, which the Countess of 1851 got from the great exhibition. Many guests have stayed in the House. Sometimes I try to imagine how it must have been, when the soup was served and the clouds broke up. Her husband and present astronomers put her spoon down immediately and left the […]