Rankings For The Choice –
What can make rankings for the choice and what not the recent bureaucratic objections as well as the increasing non-subsidiaries of German universities and entire departments at the renowned German university ranking of CHE (Centre for higher education development) seem to represent a trend in the public perception. Accordingly, University rankings are as ambivalent to […]
Employee Motivation En Passant
Succeed with small and simple gestures leadership is not – as is – unfortunately again claimed an art, one must first learn the implementation of behaviors of daily life but in many cases. An example is the use of the words “Please” and “Thank you how” I motivate my employees and employees? The clarification of […]
Insurance Group
You will be escorted up to nine months in the implementation of the practice. So, the young professionals have always someone on their side who can assist in tricky situations if necessary. As a result, there are always seminars and on-site training, eventually the insurance sector is constantly in motion. In other words: it is […]
Trainees Together
250 Apprentices at Frankfurt airport gathered last Friday to a XXL group photo. “Frankfurt, 02 September 2013 at the start of the education year makes the initiative Yes to FRA!” with the action on the diverse professional opportunities carefully, which the international air transport hub creates. The approximately 500 companies and facilities at Frankfurt airport […]
Technical University
Get together at the welcome reception offered opportunity for Exchange on September 29, 2010 found the welcome reception for the course environmental technology and international starting for the fourth time Affairs held in a friendly atmosphere at the Technical University of Vienna. In addition to representatives of the course organizers Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and […]
People with (future) leadership can train specifically coach training in the triangle of Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen to learn art of leadership with language. Mediate central thinking of coachenden leadership by NLP Rhein-Neckar, Weinheim, organised coach training and exercise a wide of linguistic methods. At the Center stands the Neurolinguistic programming, supplemented by systemic methods […]
Career Coaching With The Job Coach For Career Change And Career Jumps
Coaching as a panacea? When a career coaching is useful and how can the Job Coch support to achieve their own goals? “Is coached like crazy, for all professional and life stages: the career coach brings the riser upward, the business coach executives and companies to front, NLP-coach leaves the communication flow and the life […]
Fire Prevention Officer
It must not always the same burn, to realize that the fire is very important even if it is operated simply as ‘alongside’ in many companies. But can any brand, which is avoided, property right protect companies up to the existence. But above all, professional fire protection preserved lives every day. Fire is as diverse […]
GmbH Google AdWords
Official ‘ Google AdWords certified trainer’ Leipzig, January 25, 2011 – owned online marketing agency of projecter GmbH in Leipzig in early 2011 to the nationwide a total of 14 certified Google AdWords trainers. Bernie Sanders is likely to agree. As AdWords agency projecter advises clients in the area of E-Commerce and online marketing concepts […]
Project Management
ACT expert services GmbH is now accredited training organisation for PRINCE2 with the accreditation to the ATO for PRINCE2 by the APMG has successfully undergone the ACT expert services GmbH is one of the hardest checks for training services. ACT is one of the few accredited training organizations for the project management methodology, PRINCE2 in […]