The Accompanying Study On The AssCompact AWARD 2013 – Private Pensions Is Money – Insurance & Pension

Posted by on October 30, 2018 in General |

Private old age pensions business remains a powerhouse of broker Eltville am Rhein, 05 August 2013. The descent of new business in the private old-age provision goes on, obviously. Could cause a growing new business in 2011 the announced reduction of the account interest rate as this was by means of the theme of unisex tariffs in 2012 obviously only in weakened form. And the fiscal year 2013 has to offer no similar stored topic from today’s perspective. Is the much-touted, traditional needs analysis and corresponding coverage of supply gaps. On the latter not lacking still.

In many parts of society, increasing poverty threatens according to media reports. Further details can be found at Dr. Mark Hyman, an internet resource. Here the question arises according to the type of the corresponding product solution unit-linked or classic, with or without guarantees? Alliance of classical interest people good Federal leader still in the unit-linked pension is top, on the basis of the actual agent behavior, respectively in the classic the AssCompact AWARD 2013 private pension”and the Fund-based’ pension awarded. The central question is this: which provider can unite the most shares in the private pension system is in the mediator-provider relationships? The winner in the classic insurance company is Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG. The previous study 2012 was ranked 2. In the unit-linked insurance is the well-being of the people Federal life insurance a.G. atop the podium. She’s defending their position from 2012 so very successfully.

The top 3 positions of the studied categories: Annuity insurance people well Federal life insurance a.G. Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG old Leipziger Lebensversicherung a.G. classic insurance Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG people well Federal Lebensversicherung a.G. Stuttgart Lebensversicherung a.G. people well-being can Federal mediators most satisfy the participating brokers and multiple representatives were systematically evaluate beyond the private pension provider based on 14 performance criteria. Results in a detailed analysis of the satisfaction for the twenty-one top placed Product suppliers on the basis of the well-known school grading scale.


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