The “Iron” Anniversary

Posted by on February 7, 2012 in General |

That they love men? It may be, for example, something connected with your favorite sport. And maybe – with a guitar, which he had long dreamed of. Or "trip to Komarovo." It was in this "iron" anniversary, it is necessary to assure the wife that you it is well know that you love him vigorously and certainly respect and appreciate all these years lived together. Cast-iron … wedding gift should be useful, weighty and, at the same time, very touching. Nurse to the shops useful gadgets: an ashtray (if he smokes) or lighters, or in the form of statues, such as a vase? Maybe some sort of arrangement with built-in bar or cigarette case? And remember the cast. Here it is – a symbol of today. It is important to identify this is a man to remember today is an important moment in the life of the family, rather than frantically remembered by friends who, where, how and under what circumstances he gave this wonderful …

a hunting knife. And, of course, try to avoid extremes: we should not give cast iron manholes, bushings, hub and other utensils, which, of course, will add the number of serious things in the house, but would be useful – the big question. But you can give a cast-iron grill, or to build a cast-iron fence around his favorite arbor. And you can find the store a decorative molding – in big cities are quite common. Exclusive gift in this case – guaranteed! High-quality cast iron – is durable and timeless material that perfectly fit into any decor – from the very traditional, classic, to the democratic, innovative modern.

Man, I think, will appreciate the reliability and durability Your gift. "Cast iron gift" could be: lamps, chandeliers, benches, bench, benches, fireplaces and furnaces. Be creative! The women, of course, more complicated. To cheer your favorite "pig iron" – you should try. Dear men, remember that pet in your arms – a delicate flower. And she coming in every day to fight the cruel realities, to protect hearth and home, raise children and at the same time – to love you, no matter how you came: tired, angry, noticed nothing … Given that, a gift to his wife to be with one hand – a sophisticated, on the other – the necessary and important in its "aesthetic delight" of life. Contrary to popular belief, believe me: my wife will appreciate cast-iron skillet, if … it will follow the output of her favorite restaurant, a little trip on a boat or fly in a balloon ("or" here we can safely replace the "and" – will not lose:) You can refer to the same Artistic casting cast iron beds, flower vases and pots. If a woman – a romantic, order her cast-iron candlestick with two figures, male and female, adding that it is – you and she. A woman likes ears and eyes. Enjoyable, even if very simple, sincere, with a beautiful symbol of bagatelle, will make her happy. But this and you want, right? As for me, this day should not call a noisy company: you have enough worries on the wedding six years ago, and diamonds. Stay together, to bring sweet memories, give each other the magical moments of this, of course, important for a family day.

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