Positive Coping

Posted by on March 15, 2015 in General |

1. To develop strategies that neutralize or eliminate the consequences of the syndrome, as, for example, stress management techniques, techniques of problem solving, etc. 2. Develop interpersonal communication skills. 3. Strengthening social support networks.

4. It is important to modify the cognitive processes of self-assessment of professionals. 5. The realization of controlled physical exercise: a moderate physical exercise can produce significant tranquilizing effects. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Michael Chabon. 6. Apply relaxation techniques: combining breathing exercises with physical and mental relaxation techniques. 7. Cognitive techniques: attempting to assess and restructure problematic situations so that they cease to be so.

8 Redesign tasks, organize the work agenda. 9 Clarify decision-making. 10. Establish clear objectives for professional roles. 11. Improve organizational communication networks. 12 Opportunities that encouraging the career development. 13 Engage in the decision-making process. 14 Participate and be involved in teamwork 15. Establish clear lines of authority and responsibility. 16. Social support from co-workers. 17 Separating labour and fostered times. 18 Increase social life (walks, meetings, attendance at events) 19. Promote and develop their own capabilities, emphasizing self-esteem and control. 20 Contribute to the enrichment of the tasks, such as: variety, autonomy, identity of the task, information about the results, dealing with others and interaction with co-workers.

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