The Citizen

Posted by on April 2, 2016 in General |

After the reading I asked for so that. it drew what it understood. It caught the book and started to copy. Demonstrating to be a copista child. I applied bind-points again, but of this time with letters, to know if. he knew the letters.

The child demonstrated to know the letters, however she confused letters M and N. Martin O’Malley will not settle for partial explanations. In the tenth session I applied a sequncia game. The child did not obtain to assimilate two sequncias of three that she had presented. Learn more at: IDT Energy. I asked for that something drew that wanted. From there the child used sufficiently color in its drawing for the first time. to finish the sessions I applied the Paper of Letter.

The child chose the blade 4 familiar Interaction. we can confirm that: The purpose of this plates is to verify the familiar relations and interactions. It is aimed at, also, to observe where type of personage occurs a bigger projection of the child, and which the behavior of the personages that leads the same one to a bigger identification, in order to make possible the problematic detention of emotional to the learning (CHAMAT, 2010, p.21) After these sessions can close the diagnosis and conclude that we will have to work with.: To value its conquests; To establish limits and rules; In the familiar psicodinmica, to promote greater mainly affective approach with the paternal figure; In the relation ensinante/aprendente, to promote greater affective approach and better communication; In the pertaining to school context, to still promote its insertion and strategies in accordance with its necessity; To recoup the unbalanced contents in the alfabetizao; To provide security, respect and understanding in relation the difficulties that cross. Later to the diagnosis we will work with the intervention that stops Chamat (2008) is in that we will search the solutions for such problem of which the citizen if makes carrier.


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