American Way

Posted by on July 18, 2018 in General |

The crisis of the cultural references of the new globalized and virtualized resources between homogenization and diversification of identities, while the virtual equality is betting on the economic and strategic networks. The extensive production of these new media in terms of quantity and diversity, to which access is immediate for the individual, causing social complexity in the organization and creates a major feature of culture. That is, multifunctional and multi-access communication free and open to technical. The result is a varied building Identity dense niches. However, all identities could share a common past and a historical memory that it contributes to the overcrowding of consumer culture, the difference between cohabiting, are formed through shared rituals, their corresponding identification relating to social organization (anchored in categories time and place) and registers of the media (re-Agendia by networks of globalization) traditional. The dialectical tension caused between the global and local cultures manifests due to real-virtual opposition, qualitative and quantitative changes in social and economic logic and technological progress is characterized by fast dynamics.

Under this thesis, then digital communication poses a new kind of identity that fluctuates between Self and Society-Red 9 which gives the option of anonymous identities massive, hedonistic and tribal 10. Identity mass. Exponent American Way of Life which he proposes as a culture model transnational, whose concept entails the idea that the power of cultural industries lies in imposing a consumer culture to standardize social identities. The culture that seeks to standardize globally relies on aesthetics, languages, customs, rituals, values …


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